Our house is so old-school, that rather than having a vent fan in each bathroom, we actually have electrical heaters. Sadly they look and sound just like a normal vent fan, so our guests often just run the heater thinking they are vacuuming the “stinkies” outside. In reality, they are just heating things up. Nice!!! If we actually had vent fans, this product from EFI might really grab my attention.
The clever folks over at EFI have developed a sneaky solution to moist and/or smelly bathrooms. It’s a light switch that when turned on turns on the fan and the light. When the switch is flipped off, the light turns off and the fan runs for a pre-set adjustable time. Of course, if your guests don’t know how this subtle device works, they might spend hours in your bathroom trying to turn off the fan. This minor drawback aside, this sounds like a great way to eliminate fans left on indefinitely, or ones that are turned off too soon.
Available from EFI’s Website, for about $40.