It is summer in San Diego and that means keeping landscaping alive is high priority. I have set up most of our plants on an automated drip system, but one tricky leg remained unfinished. Unfinished mainly because I had to get 1/2″ drip tube under a section of sidewalk. Luckily, I discovered the sidewalk sleever. At around $100 it seemed like a pricey way to get under a sidewalk, but I knew I would need to do it again several times in the future. The traditional “attach high pressure nozzle to hose and spray mud everywhere technique” just did not seem as appealing.
Basically, you just slide a length of 1″ pvc over this very heavy-duty tool, line it up in your trench, take several swings with a sledgehammer, and then withdraw it. Presto! You now have a pvc tunnel! The Sleever even has a hole drilled into the tip so that you can use itl to fish wire through your conduit as you withdraw the tool. Super fast and super easy! I likey! Just make sure there are no underground utilities before you get sledgehammering. Actual tunneling took me about 3 minutes vs 45 minutes and 700 gallons of mud with the traditional water nozzle setup. They come in two lengths for your tunneling convenience. I bought mine online for $99 with free shipping from More information is available from the manufacturer at