Lets face it, home improvement is dirty, dirty business. I am seem to be unable to to take on any project without making a mess my significant other disapproves of. I could be polishing a fixture or changing a light bulb, and yet I still will manage to track dirt throughout the house. After a recent round of paint removal, I came up with the devious idea to use clean-room sticky mats to combat the mess and preserve marital relations. I skimped on the mat holder, but I would recommend getting one unless you do not care about the floor the mat will be stuck to (the adhesive on the bottom can damage some floors). The mats work great once you get the image of being a fly stuck on flypaper out of your head. Most mats have a numbered tab where you pull the top dirt covered sheet off from. Many companies sell them with prices varying considerably. The shipping supply company Uline sells cleanroom sticky mats starting at about $50 per carton (and going up depending on size and quantity).
About Marc Lyman