Growing Confederate Jasmine in Containers – A How-To Guide

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Confederate or star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) is a beautiful, sweet-smelling plant that blooms in the spring. It’s normally seen in the South where it’s used to cover fences, arbors, doorways, or even screen off otherwise unsightly areas. However, this plant isn’t strictly limited to in-ground uses or even Southern environments, no matter what everyone would have you believe. Confederate jasmine is also very easy to grow in containers…

Project Supply List

Terracotta pots are a good choice.

Containers. Although I currently have my confederate jasmine in a plastic container, I don’t really advise doing the same. You need something with a bit of weight to it, such as a plain or glazed terracotta pot. That way your set up won’t tip over when it gets windy outside. You’re also looking for something that’s 10 plus inches in diameter. Use what you have on hand, if possible. Large terracotta pots tend to run about $5, with a slightly higher price on the glazed ones. Decorative pots can easily run anywhere from $15 to $25, so only do that if you’re not on a strict budget.

Potting Soil. Get decent potting soil. Miracle Grow is generally a good option but gardeners who worry about the chemicals in it might want to look at trying Sta-green or Ecoscraps instead. They’re comparable in price, but not as likely to harm your plants as the cheap stuff. A regular-sized bag of Sta-green is about $7.50 and Miracle Grow is normally about $10.

Ordinary wood trellises.

A Tomato Cage (or Trellis). An ordinary tomato cage runs about $3. These are usually metallic silver and prone to rusting, but they’re functional enough. Colorful ones are generally a couple of dollars more but they’ll also rust. Or you could splurge on a small metal or wooden trellis, which won’t rust. These run anywhere from $5 to $15+, depending on the size. Just make sure that the one you get will fit into your container.

If you are confident your container won’t be moving, or you’re planting it in-ground, check out the Feeney 3 in 1 Stainless Steel Trellis. It can be installed in a fan or grid pattern depending on your needs and preferences.

Feeney 3 in 1 stainless steel trellis system
Photo – Feeney Inc

Confederate Jasmine Plant. Home Depot currently has small ones for about $7 each. These plants can also be grown from rooted cuttings. So if you know someone that has a Confederate jasmine plant, they may be able to help you out with that.

Basic Project Cost:
about $23 for all supplies (unless you get a fancy-pants trellis).

Project Assembly

1. Clean the container, if necessary. Fill it about halfway full with potting soil.

2. Gently empty the Confederate jasmine from its container. Use this container to block off a hole in the center of the container where the plant itself will go. Fill the rest of the planter with soil.

3. Add plant and adjust soil levels as needed to make sure it will sit just below the container rim. Completely fill the planter with dirt.

4. Flip the tomato cage over and stick the pointy ends into the soil as deep as they will go. Or add the trellis by putting the narrow end into the container. Make sure the ends are kept far enough away from the plant roots that they do not damage them in any way.

5. Water the plant until liquid drains out.

6. Add extra potting soil as need to help stabilize the trellis or tomato cage.

7. Place it in a sunny spot and don’t forget to water it regularly.

Confederate Jasmine Growing Tips

This Confederate jasmine is over 5 years old.

Confederate jasmine doesn’t need a ton of water, but it should be watered a few times a week if it doesn’t rain. This plant is also happiest in the sunshine but it will tolerate some light or bright shade when it’s growing. According to Dave’s Garden, Confederate jasmine is hardy to about 10 degrees Fahrenheit, but that’s when it’s in the ground.

Just be aware that container grown plants are somewhat less cold tolerant than their in-ground contemporaries and bring them in sooner than that. Confederate Jasmine can grow outside without any protection year-round in USDA gardening zones 8 to 11. Gardeners in other areas may need to protect the plant from the cold by bringing it inside for the winter, although it will be dormant at that time. Happy gardening!

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About Lauren

Lauren Purcell is a freelance writer from Savannah, Georgia. She is the proud owner of two spoiled little dogs. Her hobbies include gardening (in case you hadn't noticed), cooking, traveling when she has money, and waiting on her key lime tree to produce fruit.

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