Last year I heard about Enviro-Logs and just had to give them a try. They are 100% Recycled and made from food grade waxed cardboard boxes. We decided to decorate the tree tonight and so I grabbed a couple of the logs to fire them up. The first bonus. . . super easy to light. As most of you no doubt know, the ability to start fires quickly and skillfully is the true sign of a real man. Now, even if you normally need an entire Sunday paper worth of kindling, you can crank up a fire in no time. Just take off the wrapping, put it under the log and light it up. The logs will even catch fire just by holding a flame to them briefly. With two logs, I was pleased to see a roaring fire immediately, and the logs really look like real wood when burning. The wrapper makes the logs easy and clean to transport and store. On top of all those benefits, they burn cleaner than wood and with more heat per pound. I am definitely sold on these and don’t think I will be going back to hunting down regular wood logs anytime soon. I got my box of Enviro-Logs at Home Depot, but they are also sold at other retailers including Whole Foods. They’re available online as well for about $30 for a box of 6 five pound logs at the Enviro-Log website.
About Marc Lyman
First time I used them they didn’t work, figured out it was because I left the wrapper on! That’s what you do with duraflame. With these, if u remove the wrapper they work great !
Thanks for chiming in John. You’re right, removing the wrapper is key on these . . I crumble up the wrapper and use it as kindling on ours.
I love these logs, I live in the sierra’s and could see myself buying these instead of my cords of oak. The only thing is the cost, I wonder if there is anywhere else than grocery outlet that you can get these wonderful creations for 12 bucks a box!
Hi Eben. Unfortunately I’m not aware of a bulk / cheaper option for Enviro-Logs. When you’re talking cord quantity, I suspect burning old fashioned trees will be a lot more economical. But for more occasional fires, I think they’re great, and well worth the cost. I haven’t run into any of the smoking / hard-to-keep-lit issues that a couple of the other commenters mentioned. In fact, I find them super easy to light, very strong burning and not big smoke producers. Anyway, thanks for the comments, and stay warm this winter!
Very confusing when different folks, all of whom are undoubtedly being factual, have such diametrically opposite experiences with a product!
These smoke too much. Once I got the entire log lit, I could see a large amount of smoke coming into the room. I thought that the flew just needed to heat up, but even after burning for an hour, smoke was entering the room. I won’t use these in my house again! Also, the flame is weak when lit.
Usually I buy Duralog, or something similar, and those work great. I should’ve spent the extra money, and not cheapened out with these Envirologs. Not Recommended!!!
These logs worked very well for me, I bought a box of them after running out of regular wood and my furnace failed. They lit very easily and burned for quite some time. I too am sold on these and will be using them from here on out. Wal-Mart (at least in Oklahoma City) is selling these now for $10.92 a case.
I loved the logs. Enviro-Logs do not have any oily residue and are clean to the touch. My logs lit easily and quickly by removing the wrapper and using it as kindling. they do not smoke and are great for the chiminea. other brand logs stink up the patio. I took my kids camping and we cooked marshmellows over the fire – do that with the other brands and you will gag. I recommend the firelogs to all my friends. I purchase a few logs off the internet and gave them to my parents as a gift.
I had the opposite experience with these logs. They burned very poorly, if at all for me. They kept going out, produced huge amounts of smoke, and very little flames, when they were actually lit. I’m going to be throwing most of my box away since logs that don’t burn really aren’t useful.
Other brand firelogs work great, so I don’t think it’s my fireplace.