Green Your Move with Bin Services – Not Cardboard Boxes

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Congratulations, home owner, you just got the keys to your new place! Now all that’s left is that delightful matter of packing and moving your crap. Sure, you can go the ol’ Garbage Bag and Boxes from the Liquor Store route, or you can realize you don’t live in a frat house any more and need real, sizeable moving containers that won’t be mistaken for trash. Alas, buying new cardboard boxes is surprisingly costly – and while recyclable, it’s hardly a great move for the environment to keep producing and trashing cardboard. So what’s a classy, budget-minded, and eco-aware person in transition to do? We’ve got the answer!

For my very recent move, we contacted a local service called Green Your Move. They’re a company that lets you rent out sturdy plastic bins, tubs and wardrobe containers for a very fair price – less than what it would cost to buy cardboard boxes of the same size. What’s even better, is that Green Your Move comes to you – delivering the bins to your current address and then picking them up a week later (or more – you can choose different timing options) from your new address. Green Your Move even provided a little mini dolly that the boxes easily stacked onto.  

We found their services to be easy to arrange (we ordered our boxes online), prompt, courteous and very reasonably priced (we received 15 boxes for under $90 through a promotion). Plus, with a deadline of a box pick-up ticking down just a few days after we moved, we were motivated to actually unpack all our stuff immediately, rather than let boxes languish in the corner of our basement for a month (or, heh, year). We would hands-down use them again in the future (but hopefully in the not-so-near future; moving sucks regardless of how great the boxes are!).

Green Your Move is a Toronto-based company – but there are several different businesses that provide similar services across the US and Canada such as Frogbox and RentAGreenBox. A quick Google search can likely find a company in your city. If you know of one (and especially if you’ve used one) feel free to let us know about it in the comments.

Happy moving!

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About Jen

Jen (but never “Jenn”) Byck, aka the Fix'n Vixen, is a Toronto-based freelance writer and communication consultant who is undoubtedly home fixated (she is also TV fixated, really bad TV fixated and donut fixated). Her approach to home improvement has been rather trial and error, the latter of which is evidenced by the amount of spackle she buys on an annual basis.

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3 thoughts on “Green Your Move with Bin Services – Not Cardboard Boxes”

  1. Addendum to my comment: every office move I’ve been through has used ‘Rentacrate’. They drop off a ton of crates a week or so before the move, you fill them up & label them, then they truck them all over to your new office and distribute them to the assigned locations.
    According to their website they’re national in the US and do home moves as well as corporate.

    • Awesome Drew! Glad to hear there’s a Dunder Mifflin version too! We’re big into purging goods as well. There’s no sense in cluttering up our lives with trash/treasure that others can put to good use!

  2. This is a great idea. I’ve been through several office moves and they’ve always used a service like this. While I agree that the need to return them instills unpacking discipline that might otherwise be lacking, there is one benefit to letting stuff languish in boxes; a year or two later when you find the box in your attic you realize you can totally live without whatever it was, and get rid of it. Less clutter in your life.


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