Profile scribes can be a vital tool when installing shelves or trim on an uneven wall. If you just cut your wood square, your project will be left with ugly gaps. Some people impromptu-scribe very well by simply running a pencil or protractor along the wall and work piece. I find that method to be a little awkward and tricky to do accurately. Luckily the folks at Garrett Wade tools have a fancy-pants scribing tool made in England of all places. The scribe features a metal pencil with four assorted wheels up to 3.5″ that rotate around the pencil. It is not the cheapest option, but then handy tools rarely are. Looks like a great alternative to the impromptu-scribe method. The profile scribe is available for about $30 at Garrett Wade.
About Marc Lyman
Buy from Garrett Wade at your own risk. Very poor and insulting customer service and will send you product not like pictured in their catalogs then tell you to send it back if you don’t like it.