Keep It Green Snow & Ice Melter & Disturbing Childhood Memories

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People have a funny way of teaching children lessons. Take the importance of keeping one’s walk clear of ice and snow. Back in the day, between Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, Sesame Street and Mr. Dressup, short animations from the National Film Board of Canada would air. Special Delivery, a film where a mailman slips and dies on a snow-filled front porch, was one such short. This little cartoon was seared into the minds of children – not simply because of the gruesome result of not shoveling and de-icing, but because of the full-frontal male nudity featured in the animation. Think I’m kidding? I am so not:

Yup. Instead of airing toy and fast-food commercials, the CBC (our public national broadcaster) would fill the space between puppet and Muppet shows in the morning with Special Delivery. Neato.

If you’d like to teach your children the important lesson of winter porch maintenance, you need not turn to us communists and our warped ideas on children’s entertainment. Instead, you can simply teach by example and keep your walk safe and clear.

Shoveling after a big snow dump is still a necessity, but with the right product, the act of chipping away at frozen slicks of ice can be put behind you. Consider melting and preventing snow and ice build-up the smart and eco-friendly way with Keep It Green Snow and Ice Melter.

A 40-lb bucket contains a mixture of CMA and Potassium Acetate that, like salt, melts ice and snow, but the Keep It Green formula also includes a time release fertilizer. You see, many de-icers (including salt) can harm the lawn once everything melts. This product does the opposite. Keep it Green claims to be the only “true” eco-friendly ice and snow removal product on the market as it is “safer for your pets, landscape and vegetation.”

This 40-lb reusable container of Keep it Green Snow-and-Ice Melter is available from Amazon for $49.99. Smaller sizes are also available.

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About Jen

Jen (but never “Jenn”) Byck, aka the Fix'n Vixen, is a Toronto-based freelance writer and communication consultant who is undoubtedly home fixated (she is also TV fixated, really bad TV fixated and donut fixated). Her approach to home improvement has been rather trial and error, the latter of which is evidenced by the amount of spackle she buys on an annual basis.

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