Michael Singer over at cnet News posted an article about a company called GNR8. The company, which specializes in swanky modern lighting, has basins and yes, bathtubs that are illuminated. This gives mood lighting a whole new twist. Probably not ideal for your vintage home. However, if your home is cutting edge modern, this might be just the thing. These tubs are great for putting your unsuspecting date in the mood when they need to use the bathroom. Just turn the tub on with a nice velvety blue glow and have a Barry White cd playing in the background. This line of thinking may partly explain how GNR8’s products wound up on MTV’s “Real World” too. Visit GNR8, where you can order their products online. Prices for the tub range from $1400-$2500 depending on lighting system. Sinks are available too for $250 to $500.
About Marc Lyman
Bathroom lighting is an area that is covered by strict regulations that need to be adhered to, I wonder how safe these lights are. They do look great though!