The Post That Will Get Hate Mail: Best Way to Kill a Mouse

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best-mouse-trap1No matter how clean you keep your house, if there’s construction or home renovations going on, there’s a good chance you’re going to rattle a few walls, create openings and find yourself coming face to face with a rodent. Now, I really didn’t want to kill anything. I hated the idea – but I hated the idea of mice in my home even more. We tried the humane stuff first – ultra-sonic pest repellents (junk), catch-and-release (futile) – but my compassion for the little guys were dashed when I saw one dart from under the couch I was sitting on, just missing my (bare!!) feet. Uuugh. Time to die, Mickey.

I wanted to do this as quickly, swiftly and efficiently as possible. Poisons and glue traps were out of the question, so I researched the web and found a simple solution to beckon mice toward a snap trap.

  • 1. Put a small blob of peanut butter on a snap trap (I bought the more expensive, but still bargain priced “Snap-E Traps” that have more power to them in the hopes of making death more certain, instant and hopefully painless).
  • 2. Set the trap.
  • 3. Place the trap inside a paper bag.
  • 4. Put the paper bag on the floor, likely along a wall, with the bag opening exposed.
  • Presto. Turns out, mice like dark spaces to crawl in, so the bag was really ideal for them and a natural place they’d explore. It’s pretty ideal for you, too, as you don’t have to touch the trap or the mouse or any … stuff … that might be a byproduct of a high-caliber hit to a rodent’s neck. Just pick up the bag and dispose. I figure if you have to go, unexpectedly dying while you’re comfortable and have a face full of peanut butter is probably the best any of us can hope for.

    The Snap-E Mouse Trap by Kness Manufacturing is available for bargain $2.29 each at Amazon.

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    About Jen

    Jen (but never “Jenn”) Byck, aka the Fix'n Vixen, is a Toronto-based freelance writer and communication consultant who is undoubtedly home fixated (she is also TV fixated, really bad TV fixated and donut fixated). Her approach to home improvement has been rather trial and error, the latter of which is evidenced by the amount of spackle she buys on an annual basis.

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