No Stud? No Problem!: NoStud Drywall Picture Hanger

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no_stud_picture_hangerHere’s a scenario many of us are familiar with: After a bunch of shuffling of things around and having one person impatiently hold a painting up on the wall while you stand back and look at it, you figure you’ve finally found the perfect spot to hang your latest décor acquisition.

Problem: When you pull out the stud finder, there’s no stud to be found in the spot you want to hang your picture. Instead, you get to hear (or perhaps say) that joke that every man with a stud finder in his hands has done – points it at himself, beeps and says “oh, found a stud here!” Nope. That one never gets old.

Rather than just saying ‘to hell with it’ and putting your nail in anyway (in which the weight of your picture can cause it to fall or even damage your wall), there’s another solution – the CRL NoStud Drywall Picture Hanger.

You simply create a ¼” hold, pop the CRL NoStud Drywall Picture Hanger in place and then secure it with three nails. The anchored design lets you hang an item up to 200 lbs on it and it works on drywall that is 1/2″ and 5/8″.

Simple. Smart. Sweet! Gordon Glass Co. sells the CRL NoStud Drywall Picture Hanger by the carton, which means you get five of these hangers for $31.84.

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About Jen

Jen (but never “Jenn”) Byck, aka the Fix'n Vixen, is a Toronto-based freelance writer and communication consultant who is undoubtedly home fixated (she is also TV fixated, really bad TV fixated and donut fixated). Her approach to home improvement has been rather trial and error, the latter of which is evidenced by the amount of spackle she buys on an annual basis.

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4 thoughts on “No Stud? No Problem!: NoStud Drywall Picture Hanger”

  1. Our old house had plaster & lath walls. We could never hammer anything into them; just got that unpleasant bouncing sensation.

    We always had to pre-drill and use a molly or toggle bolt.

    • Ya, pre-drilling and avoiding banging around with hammers is definitely the way to go when it comes to plaster walls! They can be tricky, but I think plaster is worth it.

  2. How will these work with plaster and lathe? I set up many photo shows where this is the wall of choice and could see these coming in handy.

    • Hi David. I suspect these would not work well with plaster/lath walls. My guess is the extra thickness of the lath would interfere with the design functioning properly. I suspect there’s a reason they called it a drywall hanger and not just a wall hanger! Plaster can definitely be a challenge to hang stuff on. Drop us a comment again here if you find a great solution. Good luck!


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