OK, so it hardly ever rains in San Diego. In fact, in the summer it never rains. However, San Diego’s lack of precipitation will not stop me from writing about moisture friendly technology. RainBarrelGuide.com is chock full of helpful information to get you started in the eco-friendly business of harvesting rainwater with rain barrels. It offers tips like making sure your barrel has a lid to keep your children and pets from falling into the barrel. Other more mundane and less frightening tips are offered as well, along with some interesting facts. According to the RainBarrelGuide.com site, 10 inches of rain falling on 1,000 square feet can generate about 6,000 gallons! Saving rainwater (at least outside of San Diego) is a great way to save money and save the environment. The barrel pictured is the Rainsaver, available for about $200.
About Marc Lyman
You can get used food grade 55 gallon drums for about $10. With 3/4″ pvc pipe and a faucet you can make your own for about $25.
I’ve made 3 and they are great.
Great DIY rain barrel suggestion Liz! Any tips on where you typically find the used food grade drums? What’s the scariest thing you had to clean out of your barrels? ; )