For years Red Shurtape PC 622 duct tape eluded me. Everywhere I went I saw this magical red tape holding plastic sheeting on houses for stucco and painting jobs. I saw it holding things together everywhere. I kept wondering, what is this mythical red tape, and where do I get it. Then, one fateful day I was picking up some supplies at the local stucco/plaster distributor and I saw rows and rows of red tape! Eureka! I bought several rolls on the spot. That’s the day I discovered Red Shurtape PC 622 contractor grade duct tape. Shurtape was started and 1955 and they are THE company that makes the original duct tape. Translation: they know tape inside and out. I’ve found Red Shurtape invaluable for a myriad of projects. It sticks to just about everything including stucco. I use it for sealing off doors and windows with plastic before painting, plastering, etc. My local plaster guru also taught me the trick of using regular masking tape on raw wood or painted/finished surfaces and then putting the red Shurtape over it to keep moisture off the masking tape and to create much stronger holding power than masking tape alone. It also helps prevent the red tape from ripping off your paint (which it definitely can do thanks to it’s strong adhesive). Highly recommended for your taping needs on non-delicate surfaces. Oh, and it comes in other colors too. Get your Shurtape PC-622 Contractor Grade 2 Inch Duct Tape in Red 60 yard rolls
for about $12 a roll.
About Marc Lyman