See into Walls

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ProVision Fiber Optic ScopeIf I had only known about this when I was wiring my phone system! It is a pricey toy, but well worth it if you are going to be fishing wires and doing electrical work, especially in an old home. It comes in varying lengths, but the ProVision100 has a flexible 18 inch fiber optic arm. It features a 40 degree wide field of view, up close focusing, and a 2.5 volt lamp to shed light on the situation. In my case it probably would have saved about 20 holes I cut into our walls in bad places.
Made by Provision, and available for about $250 at and other tool dealers.

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About Marc Lyman

Marc grew up under a brave single mom who "encouraged" home improvement on the family home. Early toddler gifts included a tool set, and even a cordless Bosch drill when cordless drills first came out. In grade school (give or take a few years), Marc's mom said, "We need to cut down some trees. . . . here's a chainsaw." A father figure also involved Marc in many home improvement projects, including a summer of home remodeling in Palo Alto, CA. Toss in some Obsessive Compulsive personality traits researching everything home improvement related. The end result: a genetically pre-disposed, socially sculpted home improvement machine! For his complete profile, please visit our About page. Really, it's worth it.

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