Rock The Volt With The Sunlawn EM-2 Rechargable Mower

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Sunlawn e2
Quick, what’s the largest crop in America? You guessed it, our lawns. Almost every patch of proud blades requires some machine to keep it trim, and given a recent publication of controversial but alarming statistics on the pollution that our gas-powered beautification devices puts out, we decided to get an electric mower. Enter the Sunlawn EM-2. A rotary–blade mower (think your granparents old push mower) that runs on two 12-volt batteries and charges from an ordinary transformer, it is quite compact and relatively light compared to other electron-swapping-powered (read:ballast) machines. Those of you who have found yourself drooling over those ads for the DR brush mower can keep on salivating. The Sunlawn will choke on anything more than a moist patch of average kentucky’s finest blue. Happily, it will chug along with quiet persistence on most of your favorite ¼ acre plots of willing fescue. Only gripe on my end is the pitifully small bag. If you want to keep your vermillion crop nice and clean during its haircut, you’ll be schlepping bags to the curb every few minutes. One of the best parts: The average YEARLY cost of powering one of these – 5 bucks. The EM-2 is available direct from Sunlawn for about $380.

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About Alec

Philsophser turned artist turned designer, Alec turns to home improvement as a stress-reducer. Now, he wonders why no one told him that it would be a stress-producer. Alec lives and rides his bike in beautiful Boulder, Colorado with his olympian wife Ann and his unimpressed cat Stella. He tries his best to do everything green and sustainably with varying success.

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