On the heels of what I going to call a request, I asked my wife to design her ideal closet to coincide with my Man’s Closet. I just want everyone to know that with no pushing by me, my wife created this design on her own. I had nothing to do with it, just so we all understand I was totally hands off of this design. I know, I’m being repetitive but I don’t want to be labeled a sexist or chauvinist. Although it probably came out
funnier better than if I had drawn one up by myself.
Before I start to outline what my wife designed, lets discuss what the experts suggest. So that we have a constant control between the two articles I looked up the TLC’s “How To Design a Woman’s Closet”. And as you may suspect there suggestions didn’t stray to far from the Man’s Closet.
First, they suggest blocking out sections for categories of clothing and accessories. You know shoes with shoes, blouses and dresses, dress slacks, etc.,etc. Boring. However, looking at the picture it does bring me back to a common stereotype with woman. Shoes, I mean just look at that image! There must be at least 20 pairs. I can’t understand it. If I could, I’d have a pair of dress shoes and my sandals/bare feet and that would be it. I don’t change my underwear enough to justify twenty pairs of boxers, let alone shoes. Anywho, let’s not get too carried away on this rabbit trail which may cost me a week on the couch!
TLC also suggests that when placing handbags you store them on shelves or cubbyholes upright and with similar colors. Wait a minute…similar colors! I don’t own enough under…sorry different rabbit trail, same result. Anyway I think we can be a little more creative than that. So I enlisted my wife’s help.
As you can see there is a small alley way for clothes and stuff. While there is no scale I am guessing that this thing is approximately 12.5x the size of the Man’s closet or about 1500 sq. ft., so I may need to build an addition. Taking up the largest section is the runway slash video conferencing area where she can talk to Gwyneth Paltrow about things that they would talk about, you know, girl stuff. A small spa, Gyrokinesis corner (some style of fitness that my wife is an instructor of check it out its pretty cool) and rounding out the area would be a tea and reading nook. And, we also need to find the space for a modest Starbucks Kiosk with on-duty barista. I know, not a whole lot for a girl to ask for, but I should probably finish that utility room first.
Hey, I wanted to recommend this page to you: http://logicaldesignconcepts.com/homepage/the-woman-s-dream-by-lazy-lee
This unit called: A “Woman’s Dream by Lazy Lee”
A Patent-Pending invention that is just breathtaking, a 360 degree spinning closet