Holmes Magazine: The Magazine To Make It Right

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Holmes_MagazineMike Holmes, the star of HGTV’s Holmes and Homes and Holmes Inspection, has been bringing his twenty years of construction, renovation and contracting experience to home owners since 2001. When not showing home owners what to look out for when buying, updating and fixing their houses (and doing the fixes himself), he’s put his muscle to work in New Orleans, helping to rebuild homes there to help residents affected by Katrina.

Now the bane of crooked contractors, the avenger of bad home renovation and defender of the screwed-over now has a magazine of his own.

In November, the premiere issue of Holmes Magazine hit the stands. One wonders if Holmes will be on the cover of every magazine, like Oprah is on O or Ryan Reynolds seems to grace every issue of Men’s Health (I can’t be the only one who’s noticed this?).

Regardless of the cover image, readers can be sure to expect loads of useful information when it comes to projects around the house, hiring contractors and picking home improvement issues to tackle.

Cover stories from the current issue include:
• Contractor’s Corner: Pros, Trucks & Tools
• Make Your Kid’s Room Eco-friendly: How to Detox & Renovate Safe
• Protect Your Home From Old Man Winter
• Keeping it Clean: Government Air Quality Project Shows Homeowners How to Breathe Right
• The Skylight Revolution: Why the Addition of a Skylight is Right for You

Holmes Magazine publishes six times a year. A subscription is available for $28.50 for Americans and Brits and $23.50 for Canadians.

Photo of author

About Jen

Jen (but never “Jenn”) Byck, aka the Fix'n Vixen, is a Toronto-based freelance writer and communication consultant who is undoubtedly home fixated (she is also TV fixated, really bad TV fixated and donut fixated). Her approach to home improvement has been rather trial and error, the latter of which is evidenced by the amount of spackle she buys on an annual basis.

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13 thoughts on “Holmes Magazine: The Magazine To Make It Right”

  1. This sight is old but non the less still here. I bought the subscription for my son in law he got one magazine. I guess they went out of business. Too bad the “make it right ” guy can’t make it right!

  2. I have learned so much since I started watching Mike, I just want to Thank U for caring. You are a good man, which is rare now a days, So Thank you & keep the shows coming, I really enjoy watching u. some people get tired of me saying ” Mike says” but I don’t let it bother me cause I trust what you say. I got my first magazine in Nov. & I really love it, I think the cover is great with u on it, can’t wait til I get my next one. Hope U have a great new year, I will keep U, your team, & family in my prayers. may the LORD bless U all

  3. I am trying to locate the book Holmes has autographed, we saw this on TV some weeks back, for my partners birthday and can’t seem to locate it – any suggestions? Dennis is a self employed contractor and just can’t get enough of Mike Holmes; this will make the perfect birthday gift! Can you help?

  4. I have just now found out about the Holmes magazine and would really like to get the September/October issue about basements. It says that the issue is sold out. We are having a terrible time with our basement and have run out of ideas. I know Mike would have some ideas we have not thought about. Is there anywhere I can obtain a copy or even just the part about basements?


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