Back in April we provided some cutting-edge journalism discussing the phenomena of Power Tool Drag Racing, something we think falls into the “don’t try this at home” category. So who wants to build crazy Mad-Max meets Transformers meets Home Depot blade-wheeled speedy gadgets of dismemberment without any payoff? Ok, a lot of people apparently.
Now, who wants to build them with the lure of fame, fortune and free prizes? Maybe just cool free prizes? Well then, check out and their upcoming race in Ohio August 21st. Our sponsor Ohio Power Tool is chipping in with some great tool prizes. Plus, I’ve heard there may be tool-drag-race-groupies there. That’s “drag-race groupies”, not “groupies in drag”, just for clarification. No matter who attends it’s sure to be a good time.
They even have edgy graphics with hands missing digits! A totally great idea as long as 1) No one actually loses a finger at the event, and 2) No surly carpenters or construction workers missing any digits show up and get offended. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for a safe and happy event for everyone (surly tradespeople included).
The Columbus Idea Foundry will be holding several build sessions so you can craft the first power-tool to ever break the sound barrier. Full details at