Tool News Nirvana – Milwaukee Tape Measures, Bosch Toolbox App & DeWalt Oscillating Multi-Tool, Heated Jackets and More

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Welcome to this high-tech redneck edition of Tool News Nirvana. We’re sitting pretty high on the hog with Milwaukee’s new tape measures, Bosch’s new smartphone app will help increase on-the-job productivity (yee-haw!) and DeWalt’s got three new items that would make any hillbilly happy, mainly because one of them is camouflage. So saddle up partners and get ready to ride out with this month’s Tool News Nirvana.

Milwaukee Tape Measure

48-22-5125_1 (996x1000)Milwaukee continues to expand its hand tool family like jackrabbits on an open spring prairie. And, with the new Milwaukee tape measures, that family has a new papa. With nylon blade protection and a five point reinforced frame, it’s designed to last ten times longer than the competition. Here’s what Whitney Moks, product manager for Milwaukee tool had to say:

When we talked to users about the tape measures that are currently available on the market, two key frustrations continued to prevail: 1) numbers would wear away on their tape due to daily contamination like dust, dirt and water, and 2) the housing would break on their tape when they dropped it, as a result of our user-focused research process, we set out to solve these common frustrations and have delivered a line of tools that have truly earned Milwaukee’s Nothing But Heavy Duty badge of honor.

Look for nearly twenty new tape measures to come out over the next six months at a Milwaukee tool dealer near you.

Bosch Toolbox App

bosch-app (280x480)Why bring that old metal clipboard and ink pen with you on your next estimate when you can just use your smartphone? You might as well be wearing a pair of overalls with no shoes and have a corn cob pipe sticking out of from under your hillbilly hat. We’re pretty sure that’s the same thing Bosch was thinking when they developed their new Toolbox App.

Record voice memos, manipulate timesheets digitally, enter dimensions into a photo and convert them into more than 50 different units. And to top it all off, an LED flashlight is built right in for checking out those dark crawlspaces, or your truck’s cavernous tool box. Try doing that with a paper, pencil and calculator. You can find the Bosch Toolbox App via iTunes App Store, or Google Play.

DeWalt Corded Oscillating Multi-Tool

dewalt-DWE315K (900x900)If you cut, sand or scrape on a regular basis, then you probably use an oscillating multi-tool often. However, if you just scrape a lot, then you should probably take a bath – you may have fleas. If you don’t own one of these versatile tools, then you may want to consider getting one. But before you buy; consider this: one of the biggest problems with these tools is that the attachments aren’t always universal, so if you see an attachment you like and its different brand than your multi-tool; then you may be out of luck. Dag-nabbit!

DeWalt’s following some similar moves from other brands with the addition of their corded oscillating multi-tool. The new UNIVERSAL FITMENT allows you to use just about any oscillating blade on the market. Throw in the Dual-GRIP variable speed trigger (definitely a different design approach there), an LED light and more than 30 optional accessories and you’ve got a great deal on a great tool. Get one at your local DeWalt with a three year warranty for just $159 – hot dang! Or find the DEWALT DWE315K Oscillating Tool Kit with 29 Accessories as soon as it becomes available on Amazon.

DeWalt 20V/12V MAX USB Power Source

dewalt-usb-power-source (1000x1000)When there’s no power on the job, you can bet it’s going to be frustrating (unless you live in a cabin with an outhouse). Problem solved: if you have plenty of good battery powered tools, you can usually get what you need to get done without needing to charge up the batteries right away.

But what about when your phone, MP3 player or other USB powered device needs charging? Usually you’ve got to leave those in your hot car console, charging (and melting) away in the heat, plugged into your cigarette lighter.

That’s where the new USB power source comes in handy. The DeWalt DCB090 is durable yet lightweight (.5 lbs.) and uses either 20V MAX or 12V MAX slide style battery packs to power the device. This way, no matter where you are on the job, you can safely charge your MP3 charger so you can jam out to some Hank Williams on your way home in that broiling oven you call your ride home. It retails for around $20-30 and can be found at your nearest DeWalt dealer this September.

DeWalt 20VV/12V MAX Heated Jackets

DCHJ060C1_1L (1000x1000)Get ready for the piece Pièce de rédneck-stance. DeWalt announces its throwing its hat into the heated jacket game with their four new heated jackets. Choose from a soft shell work jacket, a hooded work jacket, a True Timber camouflage jacket and a True Timber Blaze Orange camouflage jacket. You camo-lovers can close your mouths and stop drooling now.

DCHJ061C1_1 (1000x1000)Each jacket offers a water and wind resistant outer shell, an LED controller with three temperature settings, plus preheat mode, and three core body heating zones: left chest, right chest and back.

DCHJ062C1_1 (1000x1000)The soft shell work jacket and the camouflage jackets offer a fourth heating zone around the collar which sounds like a nifty idea since a lot of warm blood flows through there. All jackets use a 20V or 12V MAX DeWalt battery pack. And to top it all off, it comes with two USB ports so you can charge your cell phone and MP3 player right in your pockets.

DCHJ063C1_1 (1000x1000)Purchase the kit complete with jacket, 20V MAX/12V MAX USB power source, 20V MAX Battery and charger for $229 or purchase it bare with just the jacket and power source for $149. But you’ll have to wait until it starts to get cold – they don’t come to stores until September. However, you can Pre-order The DeWalt Heated Jacket Line here via Amazon.

Ready for even more tool and news action? Stay tuned for the next News Nirvana edition in the coming 2 weeks!

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About Eric

Since Eric built his first skateboard ramp in his parents driveway; he’s breathed, slept and eaten DIY construction. As a second generation master carpenter who runs two Florida-based construction firms, Eric’s had the chance to work on everything from Mcmansions to your local mall to the cat lady’s bathroom. So when it comes to dealing with construction s@#t; he’s the man—literally. There isn’t a tool or construction material that Eric hasn’t used and abused, and if there is; it’s rocking in a dark corner nervously waiting for him to show up for work.

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