Caretta Workspaces Organize Your Wires and Give You a Rock Star Desk

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carretta-loft_computer_deskI don’t know about you but my home desk is a mess and no it has nothing to do with my messy tendencies or lack of organizational skills, but the wires, oh the wires. What do you do with them all, I mean for an ever wireless world how does one explain the amount of wires required to make everything wireless? But there is a solution (and no it does not include adapting a troglodytic lifestyle and moving to a cave) and it’s done artfully with Caretta Workspaces.

Sure my work desk hides the wires from the desk top but the back of the desk looks like a bowl of spaghetti and I can only put my monitor, mouse, and keyboard in one corner. Oh yeah and the desk weighs about 500 lbs. and looks like it’s made of a menagerie of plastic and metal not wood. The body of the desk is made of a beautiful and may I mention sustainably harvested cherry wood. The wires are integrated into a large tray to give you a variety of options for the layout for your desks and equipment. These wires feed into a 12 port integrated electrical surge protected plug. Plus with the Caretta Workspace Integrated technology desk system you get trays for printers, inserts for iPhone, iPad and iPod docking as well as a port to plug in your earphones.

There are three different styles of desks for you to choose from; the 21, 31 and 62. I am still not quite sure what the numbers are though. If you’re wondering the 31 is oddly enough the smallest of the bunch at only 32” x 45”, seen almost 31 but not quite. The 21 and 62 are the same size, 62” x 32”. However, the 62 is stouter, with larger, straighter legs and more metal, arr arr arr ar ar. They all come with an array of accessories including apple and USB port add ins, dual and tri monitor arms, in case you need to work and game at the same time and adjustable shelves for both printers and computers.  However, not only does Caretta offer only a plain desk but also an L shaped desk, file cabinets and a variety of lighting as well. It’s the total package where sustainability, woodworking and technology meet in beautiful arrangement.

But expect to pay for this arrangement. The smallest and most basic of the desks, the 31, will cost you nearly $1800. That’s quite a few shekels for sure but for a modern and beautiful desk it’s not too bad of a price. Oh, and if you’re wondering Caretta happens to be the genus and species name of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) which Caretta Workspaces donates to protect with every purchase of a desk.

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About Leroy

LeRoy was born into a long line of contractors/carpenters/missing links which maybe why he fell naturally into tools and fishing with his paws, errr, bare hands. He has since punctured, stabbed or electrocuted every appendage that can be discussed in mixed company. Given his natural fur vest, he has never been cold. In his parallel life he is a mild mannered environmental scientist where he builds, destroys and builds again. Which let’s face it is much cooler than Superman’s parallel life.

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3 thoughts on “Caretta Workspaces Organize Your Wires and Give You a Rock Star Desk”

  1. I have been looking for a good desk lately and the options out there are terrible. Even the more expensive ones are pressboard with fancy veneer and the plastic and glass ones are no better. Since these fancy ones are out of my price range I may just get some oak boards and try and make something similar. Even a wood desk made by a newbie has to be better than the crap furniture they sell in the stores.

    • Agreed Bob, there is a ton of crappy furniture out there. I’m considering “resorting” to a diy, hand-made, solid wood desk solution myself. Good luck with your quest/project! If you build your own, let us know how it goes!

      • I’ll second the crappy furniture notion and I won’t even mention any particular places like Ashley’s let alone all those flat-box put them together yourself options made by places like Sauder which calls itself a wood working company. Do they even know what wood is? Seems more to me like saw dust and lots and lots of glue. I wonder at what point they’ll drop the saw dust and just make their products out of glue to increase profits? Who says that desks can’t be transparent?


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