Freeze Resistant Footing Tube – Because Shift Happens

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freeze resistant footing tubeWanna keep your deck, dock and porch posts and piers from shifting and heaving? Before the shift hits the fan, head it off with The Footing Tube. The form is made from lightweight, recycled plastic, suitable for frost prone areas up to a 5′ depth and eliminates the effects of freezing ground water. Setting the posts is a relatively easy job because there’s no need to strip forms or wait to backfill.  

First, you’ll need to know the required frost depth for your area, so you can prepare the holes to that depth. Check with a local building code officer if you’re not sure.

Next, insert the tube and make sure it’s level, (center marks are provided), and pack a few inches of dirt around the base to hold it in place. The footing and tube are incorporated in a single pour for added stability and labeled sizing rings make backfill requirements easier to inspect, while acting as a guide.

footing tube

Once the tube is in place, backfill around it to ensure it’s stable before pouring the concrete. (The manufacturer suggests avoiding large rocks and overly, coarse material as backfill, in order to protect the tube). The minimum backfill level is 36″, but may need to be more depending on the frost zone in your area. 

Finally, remove the safety cap, set your posts and pour the concrete. (Be sure to leave the cap in place until you’re ready to pour so debris, or more tragically, your cat, doesn’t find its way inside.)

The tapered design leaves a reveal, so frost or frozen ground can move around freely, without disturbing or freezing to the pier or post. So, if you don’t want your next porch or deck project to look like shift, check out The Footing Tube.

(An installation manual is available on request when you place an order for The Footing Tube, or you can view the online tutorial for additional guidance.)

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About Liz

Liz is a professional, custom picture framer based in Central New York. She and her contractor husband are currently renovating their second home together. At the time of this writing, they are not on speaking terms. Her love of making stuff with wood and DIY home projects began by watching her Dad. (It was also around this time Liz's incessant use of "colorful language" took root.) She's an avid gardener, stellar cook and doesn't throw like a girl: an all-around rad chick.

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