Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find lead in your home (or in your clients’ homes if you’re a contractor/secret agent). To help you in your mission, you’ll need spy-worthy test gear that even James Bond’s Q
would be proud of. Not unlike spy weaponry that’s been overused in film, the Hybrivet Leadcheck lead test kit uses small vials that you crush to activate. In this case, crushing the vial does not result in a spectacular incendiary display of improvised explosives. Instead, it merely activates the swab to test for the presence of lead. For most customers, the lack of explosion will be a benefit.
Leadcheck is one of three currently EPA approved lead test kits. Â From the product description: “This kit is for contractor use unlike some other Leadcheck kits which are for household use. The household kits are not certified for use by RRP certified contractors. Use these swabs for a convenient, self-contained screen for lead contamination in solder, paint, ceramics (dishes), soil and dust. The test is a quick and easy method which will alert you to the fact that corrective measures may be required and that further, more definitive testing is necessary. Results can be obtained in a few seconds by simply squeezing the swab shaft to release test chemicals, rub on surface to be tested, and if swab tip turns pink, lead is present.”
For a video that is nowhere near as exciting as a spy movie, check out Leadcheck’s how-to, designed for testing for lead on wood surfaces:
You can learn more about Lead Safe practices and lead hazard information in general, straight from the man (through the EPA’s Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right). Hybrivet also has a Leadcheck product brochure available for your covert browsing pleasure. If you plan to test surfaces for lead in a giant mansion, or you just like to buy in bulk, you’ll be happy to hear the Leadcheck swabs have an indefinite shelf life (probably thanks to the glass vial spy technology).
You can purchase the Hybrivet Leadcheck 8 Swab Kit for just under $20. They’re also available in much larger packs.
A bill that would require children to have a blood test to check for lead before they start kindergarten is causing waves. LB 204 made it through the first round of debate in the Nebraska Legislature…