Murphy’s Naturals Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks – Go Zen On Those Buggers

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Mosquitoes can be the vectors for horrible diseases but, for the most part, they’re an incurable nuisance. In fact, I wrote an earlier post about using natural plants to ward off the pests. Home Fixated was recently contacted about trying out Murphy’s Naturals mosquito repellent incense sticks. I am eaten alive by mosquitoes all summer long but products with DEET give me terrible headaches if I don’t wash it off within 30 minutes. So I tried out the incense sticks instead and here’s what I thought.

Shipping & Handling

The box I opened.

Shortly after agreeing to test Murphy’s Naturals Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks, I received a box through UPS Priority Mail. It contained three incense burners, a cardboard roll filled with incense sticks, and some packaging to keep these things intact during their travels. They were all in pristine condition when I opened up the box. However, I didn’t immediately put them to use because it has been unseasonably rainy this month. So I haven’t been outside much, except to occasionally water the seedlings that are currently hanging out on the porch to protect them from heavy rain showers.

Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks – The Good Stuff

I typically use natural bug spray when I’m out in the evenings and I find it very effective. The odor doesn’t give me a headache either. I noticed that the incense sticks contained some of the same essential oils such as lemongrass and rosemary that are found in my herbal bug spray. They also have a pleasant scent that I could smell as soon as I opened them up. These mosquito repellent incense sticks have a smoky, lemony scent when they were burned.

You shouldn’t really use these around mulch or crappy potting soil (as seen here)! It’s flammable. 🙂

I liked the fact that the instructions were straightforward and easy to follow, even for someone who has never used incense sticks before. The good news is that there is no open flame involved here, except to start off with, which means that you’re probably not going to end up making a boiling hot day even hotter. That factor is my main gripe with citronella candles. They keep the bugs away but standing near the open flame can make you even sweatier, and it increases the risk of a fire mishap. I was happy to learn that wasn’t the case here. However, I found out that it’s a good idea to put the incense sticks upwind of the area you’re trying to protect from the bugs.

Murphy's Naturals Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks
Incense stick in incense burner.

As I mentioned before, I received three ceramic incense burners to go along with my box of incense sticks. I don’t think you really need that many unless you want to use them in multiple outdoor locations. However, having extra burners does make it easier to triangulate an effective smoke barrier against pests. The instructions said that the sticks can be used in ordinary pots filled with sand or wet dirt. I tried that too and they seemed a little bit more stable when steadied with potting soil. But that seemed like a waste of resources when I have so many plants in need of new homes. They work just fine in the burners and those look nicer, anyway.

More Things To Consider

Although there’s no open flame, the incense sticks could burn you if the hot ends are handled. As the instructions point out, you’ll want to put the burners or planters away from your kids and/or pets. You probably won’t be able to be use these during days when it’s raining outside because the water will put them out, unless you have a safe outdoor area that’s sheltered from direct rain. Summer thundershowers drench our covered porch so unfortunately I can’t use them then.

As with any other incense sticks, you need matches or a lighter in order to get the incense sticks going. It was also a bit hard to tell if they were burning at first because the flame goes out shortly after the stick is lighted. You can blow on them to see if they glow red to determine if they are still working. Putting them out is likewise a little bit tricky at first. Smashing them out like a cigarette doesn’t seem to work. Dipping them in water is a better solution.

Smashing them out not recommended.

The smoke could potentially be problematic for people who suffer from health conditions such as asthma. However, I have breathing problems and experienced no difficulty surrounded by them.

Murphy’s Natural Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks – The Final Verdict

Did they work as advertised? As far as I could see, the answer is yes. I didn’t encounter any mosquitoes. I did have two bugs land on me during the time I was using them. One was a sand gnat and the other was one of those pesky, microscopic flies that don’t bite. Would I recommend them? Of course. I am not the only one. They currently enjoy over 560 reviews and a 4 1/2 overall star rating on Amazon.

Murphy’s Naturals Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks are reasonably priced at around $12 for a 12 stick pack. The ceramic incense stick holder is also $12.

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About Lauren

Lauren Purcell is a freelance writer from Savannah, Georgia. She is the proud owner of two spoiled little dogs. Her hobbies include gardening (in case you hadn't noticed), cooking, traveling when she has money, and waiting on her key lime tree to produce fruit.

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1 thought on “Murphy’s Naturals Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks – Go Zen On Those Buggers”

  1. Hello Lauren!
    Those peskies just kill me too. I have to wear long sleeves and gloves just to walk the dog around the yard. I have a sort of small courtyard but really can’t use it. I will try those sticks.
    {Hope you are well}


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