Latch Onto Your Pot With The Pot Latch Plant Holder

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My wife loves house plants. Our home is the dwelling place for dozens of hanging and potted plants at any given time, running the gamut from beautiful, full and healthy specimens to some that are fodder for the compost heap. (Just because she loves plants doesn’t mean they always reciprocate). In the summer months, most of these plants are tasked with beautifying our back porch; they hibernate indoors for the winter, and the survivors are booted back out in the spring. 

A tired fern, dying in a cheap plastic pot; could anything be sadder?

Many of the hanging plants are strung up in the cheapo plastic pots they came home in, suspended by cheapo strands of plastic. This provides the double whammy of looking cheesy and being prone to plummeting to the floor at random times, when one of the cheapo plastic strands decides its warranty has expired.

Okay, so maybe we’re not ready to sit on the porch just yet…

Meanwhile, we have a LOT of clay and terra-cotta pots around, most of which are relegated to sitting on table tops, scattered about the floor, or sitting on the low brick wall surrounding our porch. The clay pots are a bit more pleasing to the eye, as we sit on said porch, gazing off into the sunset whilst sipping a chilled Yoo-Hoo or other fine, sophisticated beverage. Up ‘til now, there has been no easy way, short of crocheting a stylish macramé holder, of suspending that type of pot.

A New Way For Your Pot to Hang Out

Pot Latch to the rescue

Enter the helpful purveyors at, who have come up with the Pot Latch (which has absolutely nothing to do with keeping your medicinal-use stash secure). Per their description, with the Pot Latch Flower Pot Hanger, you can quickly and easily hang a potted plant from nearly any vertical surface. Simply mount the Pot Latch to drywall, wrought iron, or wood using the included screw. It could also be attached to brick or concrete, using a Tapcon or similar screw.

Attachment options abound!

Alternatively, you can use cable ties, rope, or even Velcro straps to affix the Pot Latch to areas around your house where you don’t want to use a screw. Or around your apartment, where the evil landlord won’t LET you use a screw. You could probably use duct tape, too, but if you’re contemplating doing so, perhaps you should first watch the official Pot Latch video! (Be sure to check out some of the totally irrelevant comments posted below it).

Easy as 1-2-3!

The Pot Latch is designed to hang terra cotta pots up to 30 pounds in weight and 4-9” in diameter (the video says 11”; some best-forgotten incident of potted carnage must have prompted them to scale down the recommended size). The dimensions are 5.25″ x 1″ x 1.75″. Simply screw in the Pot Latch, insert your terra cotta pot as shown, and the Pot Latch, well, latches onto the pot. It’s really as simple as it looks.

Best for the Great Outdoors

Your own botanical garden is just a couple of quick screws away!

Unfortunately, the Pot Latch is designed primarily for outdoor use, as there’s no way to catch the drippage when you water your hanging floral masterpieces. We could probably get away with using them indoors anyway, since in our indoor plant repository, half of our plants are dead at any given time (see plant love disclaimer above), and dead plants don’t require much water. On the back porch, however, it would provide an excellent opportunity to reclaim some floor and wall space, and lose some ugly plastic pots. Just need to check with the resident chief botanist, and perhaps this summer, our porch will finally resemble the hanging gardens of Babylon.

Ready to latch onto three of YOUR favorite pots!

The Pot Latch is available in sets of three for $10.99 at  While you’re there, check out some of their other offerings; these folks seem to have a good sense of humor, which is always welcome. Where else could you find giant inflatable animal heads,  gummy bear lamps,  and bulk packs of spitballs?
For a final example of their commitment to customer satisfaction, check out their “burning question” video…

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About Phil

Phil’s path to the pinnacle of success as HomeFixated’s Senior Writer was long and twisted. At various stages of his life, he worked as a framing carpenter, attended motorcycle mechanics school, served as an Army MP, did a hot and itchy stint installing insulation in Phoenix, owned and operated a small contracting firm doing residential renovations, and worked as an employee of a major airline (Motto: We’re not happy ‘til YOU’RE not happy). He is currently semi-retired, but continues to take on little projects, such as the total renovation of an old farmhouse. Yes, he is a slow learner. Future projects include a teardown restoration of his 1965 BMW motorcycle, and designing and building a kick-ass playhouse for his grandsons. Phil loves spending time outdoors, hanging out with family and friends, cool tools, and a cold IPA when beer o'clock rolls around.

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