STAFDA 2013 Live and Semi-Live Coverage from Las Vegas

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Since no one outside the industry has a clue what STAFDA is, I’ll start with my usual disclaimer: it’s a major tool trade show (NOT a nasty infection you get at the hospital). For me, STAFDA equates to three things: 1) Checking out the hottest, newest, coolest tools in the biz. 2) Catching up with awesome tool company and media friends, and, 3) Partying in Vegas! Naturally I attend the parties purely in a professional capacity to attempt to find certain CEO’s and product managers after a few too many adult beverages in the hopes they’ll unwittingly let the next big tool announcement slip. Please be aware that any scandalous-looking party coverage you might see in this article is all part of a selfless, journalistic, fact-finding crusade. I’m doing it for you, my beloved HomeFixated readers!

I covered the show live, but even if you missed it, be sure to follow HomeFixated on Twitter to catch our next event coverage live. FYI, we take no responsibility for any tweets between 6pm and 4am. Even if you’re not hip to Twitter (despite the recent IPO), you’ll find our coverage of the show detailed below, no specialty Twitter knowledge needed. You’ll also see more detailed coverage of my STAFDA discoveries via fastidiously-crafted written content on HomeFixated in the coming days, weeks, months and possibly years, depending upon how slow we are. Read on for photos, links and our usual flavor of snarky commentary with our live Twitter coverage summary below.

STAFDA 2013 – Las Vegas Tool Show (and Party!) Coverage

That’s it from STAFDA 2013 amigos! Stay tuned for more follow-up coverage and soon!

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About Marc Lyman

Marc grew up under a brave single mom who "encouraged" home improvement on the family home. Early toddler gifts included a tool set, and even a cordless Bosch drill when cordless drills first came out. In grade school (give or take a few years), Marc's mom said, "We need to cut down some trees. . . . here's a chainsaw." A father figure also involved Marc in many home improvement projects, including a summer of home remodeling in Palo Alto, CA. Toss in some Obsessive Compulsive personality traits researching everything home improvement related. The end result: a genetically pre-disposed, socially sculpted home improvement machine! For his complete profile, please visit our About page. Really, it's worth it.

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