I’ve always been the type who tends to double-check if the doors are locked. My husband, not so much. He’s really not that fussed about home security at all. When he comes home and I ask, “Did you lock the door when you came in?”, his first instinct is to roll his eyes at his silly wife.
“No one’s gonna break in here,” he sighs.
The things is, I don’t think anyone is going to break in either. I generally trust my neighbors. Plus, we live in a condo with security at the entrance. I am, however, concerned about people accidentally wandering into our home.
I know that sounds crazy, but it’s happened before. After a certain hockey game in which a certain country beat a certain rival country, the nation exploded in a joyous fit of celebration. People ran out of the bars, jumping, screaming and dancing in the street. We joined in the impromptu street party for a while and were pleased that despite the copious amount of beer that most people had been consuming (and were continuing to consume) that not a sniff of tension or violence was in the crowd. It was just happy, happy, happy.
After we got home I’m sure I asked my husband, like I do all the time, if he locked the door. Too lazy to walk over and check for himself, he assured me he had. Well …
Shortly thereafter, we were getting ready for bed when I heard a shuffling noise in our front entry. Suddenly, some guy’s voice was booming in our hallway.
To be clear, my husband’s name is not Dave.
There, standing in our hallway, was a drunk hockey fan with a smeared maple leaf painted on his face and a Canadian flag tied around his neck like a cape. He looked up at us, then looked around, swayed in place, and smiled.
“Is Dave here?”
Uh, no. No Daves here. We eventually guided our surprise visitor down the hall to the right apartment number, where he happily met up with his dear friend, Dave. We then got back to our own apartment where I yelped at my husband about WHY I like to check if the door is locked.
Which brings us to today’s product feature: The Night-Hawk Deadbolt Security Indicator. While it won’t lock the door for you or scream anything out if your door gets opened, it does help all those lazy people out there to check if their door is locked or not.
With a simple screwdriver, you place the Night-Hawk on your deadbolt. When the bolt is set to locked, a little red LED light flashes on it. This means, depending on where your door is situated, you can just glance from where you’re sitting and see if the light is flashing or not. No having to get up and – *sulk* – walk all those feet over to your door. Instead, a glance will tell you if that door is secure and your family is safe from drunk, disoriented Canadians.
The Night-Hawk Deadbolt Security Indicator comes in three finishes (nickle, brass and dark bronze) and is a mere $8.99.