The KeySmart Alltul Multi-tool – A Wild Pocket Full of Critter Shaped Clever Companions.

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Put a tiger in your tank or a raptor in your pocket. The new line of handy little Alltul multi-tools from the folks at KeySmart will do the latter, as well as a bear, a dinosaur or an owl. Not enough choices, then how about a shark or wolf? Each Keysmart Alltul multi-tool design is a clever take on the wild, with multiple functions that vary by design. Each tool is designed to attach to your key ring or easily fit in your wallet as Every Day Carry (EDC). The tools are made from scratch resistant metal and are laser etched with function or sizes where applicable.

Keysmart Alltul Multi Tool Details

My personal favorite was the raptor. Functions on this tool included:
• Phillips head screwdriver
• Flat head screwdriver
• Wire cutter
• Bottle opener
• Carabineer
• Spoke tightener
• Multiple open end wrenches
The other designs incorporate many of these features, the number varies by design.

The Raptor
My favorite was the Raptor design

You can see the full line of Alltul Multi-tools here:

Using the Tool

I set about the garage/shop to test the various functions of the tool. I wanted to see if the tool would provide enough leverage to handle some of the situations a busy fellow such as myself might encounter. First stop was my BCS tiller, where the dead man kill switch is always coming loose due to the vibration generated when this beast is running. Nothing more annoying than having the thing cut out in mid-row. Sure enough the tool fit the mounting nut perfectly and I was able to finesse it to the desired tightness.

tightening the switch
Using the box wrench to tighten the kill switch on the tiller

Next stop was the gravel bike that I favor this time of year. It’s built to handle the moonscape network of roads that the upstate highways become through the winter months. All that pounding takes its toll on the wheels and the spokes need occasional tensioning. The tool slipped over the nipple snugly and in seconds I had it adjusted to the desired tension.

loose spoke
Tightening a loose spoke

Now I’ve heard that there are situations where the speedy removal of license plates might prove necessary, not something in my experience, but I’ve heard tales. The multiple options should cover most fasteners.

License plate tool
The tool is handy for loosening or tightening plate fasteners

It wasn’t too hard to find other applications throughout the shop, the loose baler on the fishing reel:

fishing reel
Sized right to work on the fishing gear

To replacing the brushes on the chop saw:

replacing brushes
Replacing brushes on the chopsaw

Or tightening the grease zerk on the bucket loader:

grease fitting
Tightening the grease zerk on the bucket loader

Granted, a well equipped shop will have dedicated tools to accomplish these tasks, but having one of these cute little Keysmart Alltul critters attached to your keychain or nestled in your wallet will provide you with an array of tools at your disposal when said tools are at the shop and you are not.

One quibble, as someone who frequently is out on the road on his bicycle and finds it necessary to make occasional adjustments – I found the lack of metric hex keys to be a little troublesome. Given the clever design of these tools it would be nice to see a 3, 4 and 5mm incorporated into at least one of them.

At the end of a long day of fixing, adjusting, tightening or whatever it is you had to do, there is one key function left to perform. That would be opening the beverage of your choice, something at which this tool excels.

Last job of the day.

These tools are available at Amazon and the KeySmart website, starting at $6.99. Various options are available making the entire KeySmart Alltul collection very affordable.

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Buy Now - via KeySmart

Tools on display
Three of the six Alltul available designs
Photo of author

About Stephen

Stephen hails from a family of DIY’ers, the delusion that no job is too big or complex to tackle on your own originally instilled by his father and further reinforced by his brothers, who are equally afflicted. His first real project was the complete restoration of an old farmhouse in Upstate NY, which was followed by another, setting the pattern. After 40 years in the wine and spirits business (sounds far more glamorous than the reality) he recently retired to an 80 acre sheep farm, where he will continue to farm until his retirement savings are exhausted. As a co-owner of 30 something bicycles (a devotee of the N+ 1 theory of bicycle requirements, where N= the current number owned), he is typically found tinkering on his latest build or out testing said results. Stephen spends his spare time (face it, all of his time) drinking good coffee, currying homegrown produce or fixing whatever is currently non-operational. He also spends whatever time he can with an ever growing extended family. When his wife retired they planned to do as much cycle touring as their legs will allow, but the sheep are pretty demanding.

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