The Small Space Fridge: LG LRBP1031
There are places in the world where a little goes a long way. And then there are places, like Manhattan, where a lot goes just a little way. A friend of mine, a successful advertising …
There are places in the world where a little goes a long way. And then there are places, like Manhattan, where a lot goes just a little way. A friend of mine, a successful advertising …
Whenever I go to a person’s home, I take great delight in seeing what kind of art and photos they have up. Mind you, if I ever saw “real” art, I probably wouldn’t appreciate it …
If it wasn’t for the word ‘saw’, McFeely’s Gomboy Folding Hand Silky Saw would sound like something off the menu of a not-quite-legal strip joint. Or maybe the word ‘saw’ still fits in with that …
Building Materials, Decor, Restoration
I’d venture to say that many married people in their 30s or 40s are familiar with the experience of wives dragging husbands around to antique stores. It’s a time-honored tradition of hmming and hawing accompanied …
Should you disregard Marc’s advice of going with plaster from his Drywall vs. Plaster post (and I don’t blame you. What does Marc know anyway? Sheesh. He’s only the guy who pays me … oh, …
It’s coming: Winter will be here before you realize it. Especially you, Canada. Rather than drag your butt in the snow, wouldn’t it be a good idea to get some of those chores done now …
We recently had the opportunity to test the PS40 Impactor Impact Driver from Bosch. If you haven’t yet explored the world of impact drivers, it’s time to experience 21st century advances in power tools! Impact …
Who doesn’t love a bargain? I’ll tell you who – fascists. Fascists and communists. Fascists and communists do not love bargains. You’re not a fascist or a commie, are you? Didn’t think so. Therefore, you’ll …
One of our favorite home improvement and remodelling sites, This Old House, is hosting a Halloween contest and we figured we’d help promote it out of respect for The Vila. Put down the woodworking and …
When I first saw the Caulked N Ready from Fastcap, I rejoiced at all the crude grade-school “caulk” jokes I could make. Then I remembered Jen already took care of that in her article on …