Oct 5: World Habitat Day

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World_Habitat_DayToday is Monday, October 5 – a day the UN has designated as World Habitat Day.

Here’s the dealio (from Habitat for Humanity):

On this day, we reaffirm that adequate shelter is a basic human right, and we focus on the housing conditions of cities and towns around the world. We also use this day to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat.

On October 5, 2009, please join us in support of World Habitat Day, as we raise our voices and declare that the lack of decent, affordable housing is unacceptable.

At HomeFixated.com, we love to talk about ways to improve our living spaces, ideas for taking rooms “from hideous to prettious” and the tools that help make it happen. We recognize that those of us who have the time and capacity to fuss with home renos are more fortunate than some people out there – but we weren’t aware of just how good we have it compared to others – even within the United States:

  • • About 95 million people, one third of the nation, have housing problems including a high-cost burden, overcrowding, poor quality shelter and homelessness. (NLIHC: 2004)
  • • There are almost 16 million Americans paying 50 percent or more of their income for housing.
  • • One in three American households spend more than 30 percent of income on housing, and one in seven spends more than 50 percent. (JCHS: 2006)
  • • There is not a single county in the country where a full-time minimum wage worker can afford even a one-bedroom apartment at what HUD determines to be the Fair Market Rent. (NLIHC: 2006)
  • • 2.2 million subprime home loans made in recent years have already failed or will end in foreclosure, costing homeowners as much as $164 billion. (CRL: 2006)
  • Jinkies.

    And as you can imagine, the international statistics are even more grim.

    If you’re a fan of HomeFixated.com, there’s a good chance that you know how to swing a mean hammer. Consider volunteering your time, talent and tools with a Habitat for Humanity in your area. And if you’re more handy with a keyboard than a key wrench, consider using the power of your voice to let your law makers know that you think adequate shelter is a right. And you can do it all while sporting a Habitat for Humanity hat, too!

    What do you think? Do you think this is an important issue for the country?

    Have you ever volunteered with a Habitat for Humanity? Are you a company that could make a difference?
    Let us know!

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    About Jen

    Jen (but never “Jenn”) Byck, aka the Fix'n Vixen, is a Toronto-based freelance writer and communication consultant who is undoubtedly home fixated (she is also TV fixated, really bad TV fixated and donut fixated). Her approach to home improvement has been rather trial and error, the latter of which is evidenced by the amount of spackle she buys on an annual basis.

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