Caveat Emptor and Big Box Stores – Knowledge is Power
I appologize in advanced for this rant, but knowledge is power. While I spend a majority of my earnings and life at stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot it never ceases to amaze me at …
I appologize in advanced for this rant, but knowledge is power. While I spend a majority of my earnings and life at stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot it never ceases to amaze me at …
DIY Discussion, How To, Woodworking
Are you kidding me? Talking about surfing in a woodworking forum? “Hey bro, I’m stoked, surf’s crankin’ at 22nd street, we gotta jam before the kooks take over and it gets blown out! Uh, you …
Decor, DIY Discussion, Resources
Age is such a relative thing, isn’t it? When we were recently selling our condo – which was built in 1994 – a real estate agent commented that it was an “older building.” I personally …
Building Materials, DIY Discussion, How To, Woodworking
Reclaimed wood is anything that has been used before and is going to be used again. Going green means more than recycling plastic and paper. Whether the carbon footprint involved in demolishing, packaging, and shipping …
Building Materials, DIY Discussion, Woodworking
Sometimes it’s the little things in life that really make your day – like seeing the A-hole on the freeway who passed everyone on the shoulder getting a ticket – or just happening to stop …
Guess what Homefixaters? I just bought me a house! Now I truly belong on this website as I will be really, really fixated on this new home for a while. But I’d like to chat …
Building Materials, DIY Discussion, Woodworking
It’s a sticky business this glue stuff. Glue is, after all, just a bond. There’s the glue that holds your marriage together, and there’s the glue that holds your wood together. If you don’t know …
After a long day of working at the Kentucky Fried Chicken processing plant or on the road crew, you just want to unwind with a little hot tub action. But what’s a guy to do …
DIY Discussion, Hardware, Woodworking
Hinge mortising for cabinets or standard doors does not have to be a daunting task. Nor does it have to be done old school with a hammer and chisel. No offense to those purists out …
DIY Discussion, How To, Plumbing
As I gaze out my front window at all the pretty daffodils, in anticipation of summer, I can’t help but remember some high points from last summer. Unfortunately, it is but one, low memory, (and …