Last year there was an epic power outage that effected a good chunk of the southwestern United States. There’s nothing like an extended power outage to get you back to the basics of what you truly need when modern conveniences like electricity fail. If that power outage lasts into the night, one essential you’ll want plenty of is light. Without it, basic survival tasks like cooking or even finding food in the dark recesses of your home can become impossible. Many people rely on candles for emergency lighting. On the plus side, they never run out of batteries, they’re cheap, and as long as you have matches or lighters, they’re ready at a moment’s notice. The downside to candles is that they can very easily burn down your house. That’s a pretty big downside, and it’s also good reason to consider investing in something like the Coast LED Area Light.
Coast sent us one of their Emergency Area Lights (or EAL’s) recently. Although we haven’t suffered through another epic power outage, we’ve had a few weeks to play around with it. Let’s start off with the basic spec’s straight from Coast and then get into our impressions of the EAL 20.
- 125 lumen light output
- 100 hour runtime
- Uses (4) D batteries (not included)
- 8.25 inch height
- 9 high quality LED’s; 1 white, 8 red
- Push button on/off with VLT Variable Light Technology (dimming)
- Durable casing
- Built-in battery life indicator
Light Output
At 125 Lumens, you’re not likely to melt anyone’s eyeballs with the EAL20. That’s probably a good thing. The last thing you want in an emergency is a reenactment of that Nazi face/eye melting scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark. We found the light output from the lantern to provide adequate light to illuminate a small to medium sized room. Assuming you’re not doing a pencil sketch duplicating the Sistine Chapel, the EAL from Coast casts plenty of light for most tasks, from repairs to reading. In addition to the dimmable white light, you can also dial in solid red or flashing red, both of which are quite attention-grabbing. The solid red light is also handy for preserving your night vision.
Like the Coast HL7 Headlamp we reviewed, the EAL features dimming functionality that lets you adjust brightness based on your task and battery conservation needs. Unlike the dimmer on the HL7, we found the lantern dimmer a bit rough around the edges. Light output tended to flicker when dialing the brightness up or down, although the light would usually stop flickering once a desired level was selected. We also found that sometimes when rapidly cycling from the extreme settings the dimmer would stick at the prior setting until the dial was moved again. The dimmer is functional, but we’d like to see a higher quality dimmer system used on future models. Another oddity with the dimmer was a quiet buzzing sound. If you’re anywhere with ambient noise you probably won’t notice it, but if you’re in a silent room you may hear a faint buzzing from the light. I would guess the sound is from the dimmer since the sound went away when the lamp was in red or red flashing mode (neither of which use a dimmer).
Battery Life Indicator
Overall Build
is worth considering for your home and or vehicle’s emergency kit. If you happen to be reading this in April, 2012, you can enter to win the EAL20 and three other awesome Coast prizes in our Free Stuff Giveaway!