FastCap TaperLock and TipMag Review – These Tools Don’t Screw Around

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taper-lock-and-tip-magI’m a FastCap fan, as some of you may have gleaned after reading my review of their Screw Wax. Both FastCap’s TaperLock and TipMag are also handy items to have on hand. FastCap sent both products to us to review several months ago. The TaperLock is a gem for a few reasons:  

  • It attaches easily with a simple push-pull release. And when they say “The harder you pull, the tighter it gets,” they aren’t fooling around. Nothing is more annoying than having your bit pop out of the driver and having to reinsert it every damn time you install a screw, especially on a cumbersome job like hanging heavy cabinets. When you’re fighting to support and hold something in place, the last thing you need is to see your bit stuck in the last screw you put in.
  •  Whether you’re using a hex or round-shaft bit, or even a worn out “s&*%” bit, it works just as well. (And yes, I tried it on all three bit types.) So, even if you’re not one to have the best tools on hand, the TaperLock will still perform.
  • The lock end is a nice, bright red. FastCap could have chosen purple or nuclear green for all I care, the point is…it’s easy to find in the midst of a cram-packed, disorganized tool box or bag. For me anyway, this cuts down on a lot of my cursing and rummaging around time.
Taper lock in action

The TipMag boasts “extreme magnetism” and I’ll attest to that as you’ll read momentarily. Whether you’re using a screw gun or hand held screwdriver, the TipMag slips right over the shaft and instantly magnetizes it. Yes, it really does pick up a chisel, another screwdriver or multiple screws — very useful even if just to pick up dropped items. I’ll make a gentle observation though. The picture on the packaging clearly shows the TipMag being used on a hex bit, and because a hex bit happened to be the first one I grabbed to try out, that’s what I used. It didn’t fit, so I roughed it up a bit with sandpaper. It still didn’t fit, so I used a little force and…forced the two magnets right out of their sleeve. I challenge any of you to get those things back into the sleeve without a fight.

This screwdriver had zero magnetism before Tip Mag was put on

I chased them around and it was like trying to catch two toddlers who didn’t want to take a bath. These magnets sucked up everything in sight and attached it to themselves (the table was loaded with different bits, screws, drivers, etc. in preparation for my little experiment) with a fury. It was a comedy of errors and finally, it took two people to return them to their sleeve. So, yeah — the magnets are plenty powerful. My only recommendation would be for FastCap to consider making the lip that secures the magnets a little beefier – and no doubt, their recommendation for me would be to go take a flying leap.

Tip Mag's super strength

You can buy these items directly from FastCap’s website, or on Amazon the FastCap TaperLock sells for $ 9.95 and the Fastcap TIPMAG ProCarpenter Extreme Magnetism Tip Magnet Tool goes for $11.49, shipping charges not included.

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About Liz

Liz is a professional, custom picture framer based in Central New York. She and her contractor husband are currently renovating their second home together. At the time of this writing, they are not on speaking terms. Her love of making stuff with wood and DIY home projects began by watching her Dad. (It was also around this time Liz's incessant use of "colorful language" took root.) She's an avid gardener, stellar cook and doesn't throw like a girl: an all-around rad chick.

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1 thought on “FastCap TaperLock and TipMag Review – These Tools Don’t Screw Around”

  1. Just like every project it always takes way longer than it every should. And you always think back and say if I had hired someone it would’ve been done in a few hours and to do it myself took 10 trips to the local hardware store and 3 weeks of work. How much am I really saving?


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