Ladder Storage Made Easy – The Ladder Lift from Racor

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racor ladder lift

As much as I love my extension ladder, the Sumo Stance from Little Giant, it’s still an awkward beast to store. Awkward storage is a reality for just about every extension ladder out there. In fact, ladder storage is such a pain, many people just leave it on the floor, typically in a space others tend to frequently fall over. At this year’s National Hardware Show in Vegas (covered live on our @HomeFixated twitter feed, which you’re following us on, right?), we discovered a useful ladder storage device from Racor called, fittingly enough, the Ladder Lift.

Racor Ladder Lift offer 8 to 1 mechanical advantage
Like many folks, I have my extension ladder stored on a couple ladder hooks hanging from ceiling joists. In my case, it’s my only option since I can only fit the ladder in the garage when it’s hanging vertically (as opposed to flat on the ceiling). The downside ia every time I need to get the ladder down, it’s an awkward, shoulder-muscle-pulling, disc-herniating, ladder-banging-everything-in-sight, dance of the worst ergonomics ever. And, putting the ladder back up is often even worse. If you suffer with a similar struggle, check out this video we shot at the show:

Dimensions – 12.25″H x 8.125″W x 5.125″D Packaged
Shipping Weight – 8.3 lbs
Color – Black
Max Capacity – 150 lbs

You can check out the relatively easy installation instructions here. If you’re looking for a ladder storage solution that won’t require a chiropractic visit, take a look at the new Ladder Lift from Racor! The Racor LDL-1B Ladder Lift is around $40 on Amazon. Happy ladder storing and retrieving!

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About Marc Lyman

Marc grew up under a brave single mom who "encouraged" home improvement on the family home. Early toddler gifts included a tool set, and even a cordless Bosch drill when cordless drills first came out. In grade school (give or take a few years), Marc's mom said, "We need to cut down some trees. . . . here's a chainsaw." A father figure also involved Marc in many home improvement projects, including a summer of home remodeling in Palo Alto, CA. Toss in some Obsessive Compulsive personality traits researching everything home improvement related. The end result: a genetically pre-disposed, socially sculpted home improvement machine! For his complete profile, please visit our About page. Really, it's worth it.

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4 thoughts on “Ladder Storage Made Easy – The Ladder Lift from Racor”

  1. Well yesterday when I read through the various blogs every video was about a guy at a convention with a pocket hole clamp. It’s showing differently today. Are you trying to be sneaky?

    • Hey Todd. No sneaky video pranks on this end. I’m guessing it was a youtube glitch. We do have a video from a trade show of the pocket hole clamp on our YouTube channel, but it wasn’t on this post or the other one you commented on. When we embed a video within the content of an article, it’s always related to that specific article and not for an unrelated product. If you run into the issue again, please send us a screenshot if possible. FYI, I’m posting this same reply to your other comment just so it’s clear we addressed it. If the problem recurs, please email us via our contact page. Thanks!


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