Ridgid Miter Saw Stand – An SUV For Your Chop Saw

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ridgid msuv ac9946

One of the staple tools for pretty much every framing and finish carpenter is the compound miter saw. These saws provide the ability to make fast, accurate cuts, whether trimming studs to length or putting a fancy schmancy angle on a rafter or a piece of crown molding. The only downside is that many of the better-quality saws are HEAVY. My Bosch 5312, for example, does a great job, but it’s a BIG sucker. It’s large and pretty awkward to lug around, and weighs in at a decidedly unsvelte sixty-plus pounds. Even for an incredibly strong guy in peak physical condition, like myself, schlepping something that big and awkward around can wear you down. When Ridgid offered us the opportunity to try out their newest MSUV (miter saw utility vehicle), the Ridgid Miter Saw Stand – MSUV AC9946, I told ‘em to roll it right over here. The FedEx driver was not amused.

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The FedEx driver wishes I would take up miniature Styrofoam crafting…

The Ridgid MSUV AC9946 is an update of a product that’s been around for a while. It will be replacing the very highly-rated Ridgid MSUV AC9945. With bigger wheels and a wrap-around handle, the new model is even easier to move around bumpy construction sites, or (my favorite) up and down stairs. Here are the specs from Ridgid:

• Compatible with most sliding and compound miter saws
• Quick-release mounting brackets for easy installation/removal
• One-step set-up with foot pedal
• 9-1/2 ft. overall extension length for longer materials
• Repositionable 12 in. wide work support
• Built-in material stops make set-up for repeated cuts easy
• Multi-grip transportation handles for comfort and balance
• Saw can be positioned from one side of stand to the other
• Large wheels, rubber feet for stability and storage tray for accessories
• Weight is 65 pounds

Ridgid Miter Saw Stand – Some Assembly Required

It took a bit under an hour to assemble the Ridgid MSUV AC9946. It would have been faster, but a combination of less-than-stellar instructions and crappy old-guy eyes conspired against it. It’s really pretty straightforward, though, and with better instructions – or if I had to do it again – it would be about a 15-minute job. Everything comes in one (heavy!) box, well protected with foam packaging.

The first thing I noticed was that everything on this unit is beefy. The frame is very sturdy tubular steel, the quick-release clamps are solid and substantial, and the wheels seem like they’ll stand up to real-world abuse. I have a much older version of the MSUV, which I keep at our farm with an old Craftsman sliding miter saw on it. It’s not as quick and easy to operate as the Ridgid MSUV AC9946, but it is also very sturdy, and has held up through many years of use.

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My antique Ridgid MSUV, still sturdy after years of (ab)use

Once I had the stand assembled, it was time to attach the Beast (the Bosch 5312) to the quick-release clamps. These clamps allow you to very quickly install (or uninstall) the saw or other tool to the Ridgid MSUV AC9946.

The mounting slot in the quick-release clamps are about 16” long, so if the mounting holes in your miter saw are 16” or less (from front to back), and in a straight line from front to back, you’re golden. That’s not how I roll, though – naturally, the holes in my Bosch 5312 are offset. No biggie, that just adds a step. I cut a piece of ¾” plywood 16 X 26” to make a little platform, and bolted the quick-release clamps to the platform.

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Mounting holes don’t line up? A piece of plywood, four bolts…
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Instant one-size-fits-all platform!

To make sure I got the platform square to the clamps, I clamped them onto the rails, marked the location of the mounting slots on the clamps onto the plywood, then removed the plywood and drilled the holes. I set the plywood back on the clamps and installed the bolts to secure it with the clamps still secured to the rails, to make sure everything stayed square. To double check, I released the clamps, and was able to smoothly slide the platform from one end of the top rails to the other. After that, I just bolted the saw to the plywood, and all was well. This technique should allow you to attach pretty much ANY saw to the Ridgid MSUV AC9946.

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The Beast, bolted on and ready to go.

Taking The Ridgid MSUV AC9946 Miter Saw Stand For A Drive

Once the assembly was complete, it was time to try out the collapsing and setup procedure. Standing at the end with the handle, look down and you’ll see a little foot pedal with a lock icon. Give it a tap with your foot, and away you go. Since I started with it in the setup position, I just held onto the handle, and the other end dipped down until the unit was in the upright and locked position – just like an airline seatback tray table, but much heavier, and with a 12″ blade on it. I was worried it might be a bit top heavy and prone to falling over, but it was very stable.

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This little lever unlocks the Ridgid MSUV AC9946 for setup and take-down.

To set it back up, the same process applies. Unlike some miter saw stands, where you have to pull up on each end separately, everything happens from the handle end. Tap the foot pedal, pull back on the handle, and the Ridgid MSUV AC9946 rolls back toward you slightly. As it does so, the front end rises up, and the unit locks into place. Again, it takes about three seconds, and it’s easy peasy – my kinda setup!

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A quick toe-tap and three seconds later you’re good to go!

I rolled it out the back door, across the porch, and down the concrete steps. The Ridgid MSUV AC9946 rolls smoothly, and was pretty easy to control going over the door stoop and down the steps, despite the fact that the combined weight of the MSUV and the Beast is roughly 130 lbs. A note on maneuverability: The width from outside the left wheel to outside the right wheel is 26”, so the unit will fit through most doorways with no problem. With a saw attached, however, all bets are off; the 5312, front to back, is around 40”. I can gain a little space by setting it for a 50 ° angle, but for most doorways, it’s easier to just pop it off, schlep it outside, and reattach it.

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WAY easier than carrying the 5312 down the steps…

Once the quick-release clamps are attached to your saw, with or without a platform attached, it takes literally two seconds to attach or remove it. Hook the front of the clamps over the front rail, drop the back end over the rear rail, and press the clamp lever in. That’s it, and once it’s locked, it hunkers down and will not move. It comes off just as easily: Flip the clamps open, lift the back end up, and pull it off. The saw can be rotated to be used from either side of the stand, and slid from one end of the rails to the other, or any point in between.

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Clamps locked, saw firmly locked in.
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Flip the clamps up, the saw pops right off.

Along with making it easier to transport your saw of choice, miter saw stands need to provide a stable work platform. The Ridgid MSUV AC9946 offers a very solid work area, with some handy features to help get your work done, so you can load that sucker back up and go home on time.

The Ridgid MSUV AC9946 has built-in locking extensions that slide out on the sides, giving you a total supported work length of 9-½ feet. At the end of each extension is a work support that adjusts up and down, locking into position with a quick twist of a knob.

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Sliding extensions provide over 9′ of support.
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Easy to adjust work supports at each end, for long material

Attached to each support is a work stop (not to be confused with a work stoppage, which is another can of worms), which can be quickly locked into position for repeated cuts.

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Work stops slide up to help with repeated cuts.

Tired Of Schlepping YOUR Saw?

Like I said, even for someone in peak physical condition, like me (a minor exaggeration, possibly), lugging a heavy, awkward saw around gets old. Having a set of wheels should be a great help in reducing the chiropractic visits. Having a sturdy, dedicated work surface, rather than a piece of plywood balanced on a couple of sawhorses, makes for a safer and more productive work station, too.

I’m very impressed with the Ridgid MSUV AC9946. It’s very well thought out, providing pretty much everything you’d expect from a miter saw stand/cart. It’s extremely sturdy, and the extensions, work supports, etc. are quick and easy to use and adjust. The key feature, though, is how easily it sets up and collapses. Being able to do so with so little effort, in just a few seconds, is a huge time – and back – saver.

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Ready to roll – but very stable in the meantime.

The Ridgid MSUV AC9946 is due to be released in May of 2016, with an estimated retail price of $199. It will be sold at Home Depot, among other places, where it will replace the current model, the AC9945. (Insider tip: They’ll likely be trying to clear them out, so you might have a chance to pick one up at a sweet discount. It’s a very good stand, too; I may pick one up for my DeWalt planer, which is even heavier than the Beast!). The Ridgid MSUV AC9946 will be backed by a three-year warranty, and is covered by Ridgid’s Lifetime Service agreement if you register.

ridgid msuv ac9946

Photo of author

About Phil

Phil’s path to the pinnacle of success as HomeFixated’s Senior Writer was long and twisted. At various stages of his life, he worked as a framing carpenter, attended motorcycle mechanics school, served as an Army MP, did a hot and itchy stint installing insulation in Phoenix, owned and operated a small contracting firm doing residential renovations, and worked as an employee of a major airline (Motto: We’re not happy ‘til YOU’RE not happy). He is currently semi-retired, but continues to take on little projects, such as the total renovation of an old farmhouse. Yes, he is a slow learner. Future projects include a teardown restoration of his 1965 BMW motorcycle, and designing and building a kick-ass playhouse for his grandsons. Phil loves spending time outdoors, hanging out with family and friends, cool tools, and a cold IPA when beer o'clock rolls around.

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14 thoughts on “Ridgid Miter Saw Stand – An SUV For Your Chop Saw”

  1. I’ve had a Ridgid stand that looks identical for quite a few years. Super easy to use. The only thing it lacks is some kind of adjustable stop for repeated cuts of smaller pieces. The minimum cutting size for the stops that stand already has is about 26″ I believe. Maybe someone can some up with an idea for how to build an adjustable stop for smaller pieces that can be bolted onto the existing stop.

  2. the saw mounting braces are pricey…any ideas for cheaper ones that may work? Powertec? or maybe a universal bracket that works. I would like an easy way to put a small table saw and maybe other tools on this stand. thanks

  3. Great review, Phil.
    Any saw issues from storing mounted saw in vertical folded position over long term? bending? alignment?
    I have the 12″ Ridgid compound slider and it weighs in at 64lbs.

    • I’ve had the monster Bosch mounted to the stand for over a year and a half, stored in the folded position whenever the saw isn’t being used. So far, no issues at all with distortion, alignment, etc. It’s a nice, beefy stand, and a set of wheels on a 64-lb. saw is a beautiful thing…

    • Thanks, Cliff. And for Thanksgiving weekend, they have them half-price, for $99! Saw a stack of them there yesterday, not sure how long the sale price will continue…

  4. Hi, I can’t for the life of me find the AC9946 model anywhere. All I’m getting is the AC9945 model, which seems to be what all stores are stocked with. When I do a Google search for AC9946 there are hardly any hits, except this page and one other mention. I like the handle bar and larger wheels, as I would often roll the saw over thresholds and down steps. Does anyone know where I can order this 9946 model?

    • We checked with a Ridgid rep, and were told “The unit began hitting stores a few weeks ago. It’s a rolling change from the prior model so as soon as the AC9945 sells out the new one will take over.” If you let us know what approximate area you live in, he can check to see if any stores in your vicinity are carrying the new model.

      • Thank you for checking on this, Phil. I live in the Lufkin, TX area, which means Houston is about 2 hours away. There is a HD in Longview, TX, also, which is about 1 1/2 hours away.

        I had written RIDGID directly but they told me they don’t sell directly to customers. The representative recommended I have a local HD employee do what is called a “remote SKU search” to see if they can locate one.

        I also got confirmation that the RIDGID sliding miter 12 inch saw is not currently in production anymore. He left open the possibility of a new version although he could not confirm that. I also asked him about the RIDGID 10 inch sliding miter ($349) and if that one was due for an upgrade but he said there were no such plans at the moment. I was trying to make sure I wasn’t going to buy any saw to then find a new version hitting the shelves shortly thereafter.

        I was thinking of combining the 10 inch slider with the (new) rolling stand, because that 10 inch RIDGID is a pretty sweet saw and not too big and heavy as I have limited space.

        Thanks and please let me know if you find out any additional info.

        • I now heard that the new 12 inch RIDGID sliding miter is coming August 2016, along with the RIDGID 18v sliding miter.

    • You’re right, Scott, there are similarities to the Bosch Gravity Rise stands. It’s nice to not have to mess with wrestling the table up and down; it operates quickly and smoothly, and the construction is very beefy. I think it’s gonna be schlepping the 5312 around for a LONG time!


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