Retire that Utility Knife: The Blade Runner Drywall Cutter
Ok, I admit it – the first thing that got my attention about the Bladerunner Drywall Cutting Tool was its super cool name. What can I say? Anything that has anything to do with Harrison …
Ok, I admit it – the first thing that got my attention about the Bladerunner Drywall Cutting Tool was its super cool name. What can I say? Anything that has anything to do with Harrison …
1) Rent a rectangular sander like the Clarke American Random Orbit Floor Sander and use you’re own palm sized random orbit sander for the very edges. The big sander can actually get very close to …
If your current doorbell is more dud than ding, Honeywell’s Portable Wireless Door Chime (the RCWL330A1000/N P4-Premium, to be exact) is the product to buy. I have to admit, it’s pretty sweet. First, install is …
What do Cheech & Chong and the Skil Isio Shrub and Grass Shear have in common? They love grass! However, unlike the 70’s-80’s comedy duo, the Isio also loves small hedges, shrubs and especially topiary! …
You’ve done it – you’ve completed your kitchen renovation (did you ever think you’d be sick of ordering out? Neither were we, but after a couple weeks, all I wanted to do was sauté some …
Summer. Grilling steaks: $25, Bottle of Gin: $29, Limes: $4, No flies in the house: Priceless. Well, almost. The Bug-Off screen cost me $49 (incl shipping/handling) and my eyebrows went askew when a piece of …
I’m sure we’ve all been in this position: You’re working on a home improvement project that requires a bit of power – a good light source, a drill, your mitre saw, a shop-vac and of …
I have many amusing stories from the giant Northeastern blackout of ’03 – but all was not fun and games. Our fridge and freezer went without power for a few days and all kinds of …
We all know we need to start being more environmentally responsible. Going green is ultimately the only way to save the planet, and there are a lot of great home improvement products out there now …
There’s a front sliding closet door in our home that regularly jumps the tracks. It’s like it thinks it can escape from its closety confines and run to freedom (or to the kitchen, it’s hard …