Is It For Real? The Red Dragon Weed Dragon
Do you hate weeds? I mean, really, really HATE weeds? Do you want to destroy them with a wrath your garden has never seen? If so, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the …
Do you hate weeds? I mean, really, really HATE weeds? Do you want to destroy them with a wrath your garden has never seen? If so, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the …
ReadyMade Magazine isn’t really for your hard-core home renovator or contractor. If you were to show the mag to your dad, he’d probably grunt and roll his eyes – especially if you had the page …
The year is 1986. Tom Hanks had curly hair. Shelley Long was … known. Together, they starred in a movie that encapsulated everyone’s nightmare of home renovations: The Money Pit. I actually think Shelley Long …
Normally, the idea of a pink tool irritates me. The majority of home improvement gadgets and kits marketed “for girls!!!” are downright insulting – they’re cheap, tiny and 80% of the time – pink. I …
The Bosch PS10-2A cordless driver with articulating head is one of those tools that you’re really glad you have for specific projects. In particular, anytime you need to drive screws in hard to access places. …
At, we tackled the tough, polarizing issue of butt crack. Today, we’re onto another crack menace – unsightly weeds and growth between sidewalk, patio and path stones and tile. We at believe that …
Let’s face it, there are some projects you just can’t deal with immediately, but you also can’t let them sit entirely idle or broken either – so, you’ve come up with … other solutions. Here’s …
The Goonies really did a number on us kids at the time. Man, did that little film ever get our imaginations going on the possibility of finding hidden clues and treasure. I was soooo disappointed …
Flooring, Pest Control, Restoration
Remember when you were in college and you and your roommates found a “perfectly good” couch on the side of the street? Remember how you giddily loaded it up into a friend’s vehicle and couldn’t …
So, you want to grow your own sugarcane! Or you’re wondering, what kind of North American nut-case not living in Hawaii wants to grow sugar cane? Either way, read on for sugary enlightenment and some …