Fall Gardening Tips – And the Tragedies of a Hot Summer
By the time you read this in most portions of America, the heat will have broken and the summer will have finally ended. For some people the turn of the seasons comes as a pleasant …
By the time you read this in most portions of America, the heat will have broken and the summer will have finally ended. For some people the turn of the seasons comes as a pleasant …
DIY Discussion, Gardening, How To
Anyone who regularly reads my gardening articles will be perfectly aware of just how much I love carnivorous plants. These useful plants eat pesky garden bugs, lurk menacingly in brightly lit corners of the yard, and …
There comes a point in every container plant’s life when it either dies or outgrows its’ pot. That is where transplanting comes into play. Transplanting is an art form that is occasionally accompanied by a flurry …
As anyone who regularly reads my gardening articles will know, I don’t often go into too much detail about the ordinary herbs that everyone is accustomed to seeing in their yard and on their dinner plate. However, …
Sometimes it’s not what you do or how you do it that’s the problem. Sometimes your luck as a gardener just runs out temporarily. The bug armies of doom invade, leaving your plants silently screaming …
Anyone that read my recent article on boggy yards will be aware that my yard is currently under several inches of water that refuses to drain. I’m going to have to give my dogs swimming …
It’s monsoon season here in Georgia. I haven’t been able to tend to my garden in over a week because of the rain, which is why the pineapple I’d been growing ended up getting eaten by …
While boxwood can indeed be pruned into intriguing topiary shapes, it generally lacks a certain element of aesthetic appeal because who really has that kind of time? Instead, you can easily get a lot more …
Sometimes I’m sure growing my own salad is merely an exercise in futility. No one is genuinely capable of getting the stars to align in their favor on such matters. Alright, I admit that I tried again this …
Succulents get major kudos in the plant world for being incredibly low maintenance. They also come in a variety of interesting shapes and forms. (I’m personally a big fan of spiky aloes). Then, these same …